“Wayang” (wʌɪˈjʌŋ/ n., v. & a.) is Malay/Singlish for “acting” or “performance”. The word is also sometimes used to describe someone behaving insincerely.

I’ve always been a pretty mediocre musician despite my parents’ dedication to putting me through eight years of piano, and an ill-advised, *very squeaky* year of violin lessons (bless my parents, what were they thinking!). I’m a self-taught guitarist and ukulele player with no technique to speak of, but I do enjoy strumming every now and again.



In another life, when I lived in Jersey City, I worked at a tea shop off the Grove Street PATH stop. On a pretty slow afternoon, some guy walked in and asked me if I wanted to be in a band. I said “yes” and a couple afternoons later we were writing our first song together. For a couple years we wrote and performed as a two-person, synthy-poppy band called beta.beta and it was an absolute blast.

We put out a couple albums that you can find on Spotify and Bandcamp.



On the very rare days I have the time and energy to hide from my cats to set up my laptop, mic, ukulele/guitar, *and* have the confidence to sing, I do a bit of amateur recording.

I cover songs on my Soundcloud at https://soundcloud.com/adelinc.